Inglorious Bastards : Wall of Shame
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Remember sleep overs as a teenager? Music playing, girls walking around in skimpy pj's anxiously awaiting a game of spin the bottle. Actually, sleep over's were nothing like at all. In fact, they were the polar opposite.
Usually I'm not a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino. I mean his movies are good, occasionally, and just hearing him talk annoys me. I have to say though after seeing what he did to the actors in his new movie Inglorious Bastards if they fell asleep might place him back in the Mike Love circle of trust.
Just like a "real" sleep over as a kid, if you fell asleep you were fair game. Sure we didn't have colossal purple dildos to put in our buddies face, I mean there was always one dude who prided himself on his unusually huge hog that coulda done the trick, but putting that in your bud's face would have been just plain Bruno. Many of my friends woke up looking like drag queens or had Polaroids taken of them with anything phallic we could find strategically placed near their faces.
The best part of it is the pictures that surfaced feature Brad Pitt with the Barney dildo. Always nice to see a posh celeb brought down to size and not bitch about it. Quentin Tarantino explains:
"Big Jerry was a giant purple dildo, very large in girth and length. Basically, anybody that was caught going to sleep would get photographed with Big Jerry the dildo somewhere near their face and put up on the Board of Shame. The idea was three strikes and you're out.
"This kind of really worried me because I have a tendency to nap. If I have ten or 15 minutes you'd find me in a corner underneath something but I never got caught.
"Brad (Pitt) was up there once on the Board of Shame, Gedeon Burkhard got caught twice, Diane (Kruger) was on the board... There was a lot of people on that board."
So let this be a lesson for the next time you fall asleep at a job function after having one drink too many. You could be a victim of a vicious fake hammer prank, unless your that weird guy who pretends to sleep so you can fulfill your purple headed monster fetish.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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