Bald Chicks?....Celebrity Edition
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It was Saturday night. I was sipping my wine out of a plastic cup (I have class) and chatting with Mikey Love about Kayne West's girlfriend, Amber Rose's ass...and her bald head. And it got me thinking, with a smidge of help from the wine....are bald celebraties even hot? Are we allowed to fantasize about them? I mean golly...they do LOOK like boys at first glance. Even sometimes at second or third glance. Look at these pics...you wouldn't be wrong to mistake Solage or Ms. O'Conner for a little boy. I mean Natalie Portman kinda pulled it off...but just barely. And Britney just looks plain bananas (bananas as in crazy... not banana's as in this shit is bananas...B-A-N-A-N-A-S). So...is hair really that important? This Nudger has to say YES...and loudly....but...to each his own. Whatever gets you randy is your own call....and I'm curious to hear from others out there. Maybe I'm in the minority with this. Don't be shy. I'm out and you're welcome.

The Nudge Staff
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