Vikki Blows : Unnecessary Censorship
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The kids over at Front magazine really know how to make Mikey Love work. This sexy photo shoot is our latest edition of Unnecessary Censorship featuring Vikki (giggle,giggle) Blows.
Vikki Blows has made our site before and in I believe the very same fashion. In no way does she shy away from anything the creepy camera man wants her to do. Even if your not a fan of the tats, piercings and perfect funbags, you can appreciate the pure sexiness of these pics. I mean the girl is 22, British and love's video games, don't believe me. Peep her myspace page.
Can't click on that because your wife will beat you then here's what your missing.
Welcome to my pageOf course your not Vikki. Enjoy.
Vikki Blows IS my real name
Im 20 years old i live in essex
no I dont own any white stilitoes , oh ok maybe 1 pair
I get my tiitys out 4 a living, its alright
i do this as i am too lazy to get a proper job ;-)
my heart is set on world domination
this absoultely must happen
In fact i wont stop til it does
I have 8 pierceings and 6 tattoos, i do plan on getting more
I can never park my car
Im obsessive, compulsive and i hate germs
I wash my hands way too much
my birthday is the 30th december
I like drinking tea
Cunt is a good word, one of my favs in fact
I nearly always forget to wear socks
I hate my website, its being changed
Air drums are sooo much better than air guitar
I dont Drink or do Drugs, I have the odd cigarette now and then tho
Im a bit of a dickhead sometimes
I have the worst fear of Vomit, and im scared of the dark
I spend most of my time doing Nothing , im not complaining
im very shy
i wish i could dress up like a pin up girl everyday
i am taking back control, kos im sick of the lies
Contrary to my myspace page, I hate talking about myself
Im nothing like you think i am.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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