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Ana Beatriz Barros

Just yesterday Beat by the Nudge showed it's appreciation for the country of Brazil and it's superb genetics. Now the only question I beg to offer is. Who amongst the superb is the ummm superb-erest(Come on I went to NYC public schools)? My crème de la crème, Ana Beatriz Barros.

Born in a small town of Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil (naturally), Barros was discovered just as you might have guessed laying out on the beach at age 14 years old by some creepy model scout. From there she literally lit up every calendar and magazine in the market.

One thing I like about her, aside from her unique eyes and shapely body, is in her candid pictures (I've researched quite a lot), she seems to be having a genuine good time. I mean what the hell do I know, but that's the message I get from them. It also seems like doing her up with make up takes away from how naturally sexy she is. Don't get me wrong I like her dolled up, but I bet she wakes up in the morning even hotter, especially wearing say my old Van Halen T-Shirt.

So check out my personal GTG, no not Got to Go, my Go to Girl, Ana Beatriz Barros. In a pack of angels she is my stand out. Enjoy and I'll leave you with this classic quote by her.

"I want to go back to Brazil, get married, have lots of kids, and just be a couch potato."

That's What She Said,

Mike Love

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