Amanda Wenk's Cans For President
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I don't want to get all polictical and shit, after all, I do live by one motto: Crack addicted degenerate gamblers shouldn't give political advice.
But that aside, America is in the shitter and there doesn't look to be any happy times coming any time soon. So let's start up a grass roots campaign to get Amanda Wenk's luscious and large busoms elected into the White House in the next four years.
She definitely has the pedigree for higher office already down pat. She's got her own definition in the Urban Dictionary, which defines Amanda Wenk as:
internet phenomenon / sex symbol who earned fame (or infamy) in late 2005 after her multiple galleries of scantily clad webshots/flickr pictures containing DD+ cleavage were linked to and reposted all across the internet (including non-American websites in Brazil and Germany) to hundreds of thousands if not millions of viewers. Comes from Fairfax county, Virginia and seems to enjoy an inordinate amount of expensive vacations, alcohol imbibing and leisure time for a high school Junior. Is of Jewish descendency and was scheduled to graduate in 2007.
And, oh, by the way, if you're reading this, you're gay. Go tell your parents. And stop playing that Clay Aiken record. He's so 2005.

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