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Joaquin is Back!

We've been HUGE fans of Joaquin Phoenix ever since we were small boys in Mexico and first laid eyes on that masterpiece Superboy.  But we've sadly been a little hungry for more of his work ever since he went absolutely fucking crazy and starting acting like Coolio.

Well now our long wait is over.  It's been reported that the documentary that his brother in law Casey Affleck was shooting of Joaquin's rapping career is being shopped around to prospective buyers.

According to

he film made its debut in a private lunchtime screening at WME headquarters last week for buyers -- including Harvey Weinstein -- who were sworn to secrecy. WME is selling the film, and it may only take a couple of days to reach a deal. I hear the agency and the distributors intend to keep the mock's content under wraps for as long as they can for maximum shock value. (So it won't be part WME Global's sales push at the Cannes Film Festival.) Presumably, the film answers Hollywood's bewilderment about whether Joaquin was serious about quitting acting -- or whether he was just, well, acting. His long months of bizarre behavior culminated in his semi-mute interview with David Letterman

We can't wait. We haven't been this excited about a film opening up since Corey Feldman starred in Goonies 2. Now that dude could act.

And just in case you forgot about what a completely fucked up whack job this guy is. Peep the video below.

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