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Debunking 80's Magic Tricks- The Greatest Haircut Ever

In the early 80's, there was a man named James Hydrick who claimed that he had learned to use his psychic powers by an old Chinese master of Gung Fu, and this allowed him to move objects with his mind.  He shows up on Bob Barker's show " What's My Line" in his best outfit that he has in his closet.

He then demonstrates to his audience how he can move a pencil across a desk and then turn the pages of a telephone book, all without touching them.  The crowd seems to love it as they clap wildly for his supposed ability.

And then things get really cool as Bob brings out the Amazing Randy and all of a sudden...the Karate Kid ain't got no more psychic power. His powers won't work cause the foam nuggets placed in front of the phone book are generating static electricity from the stage lights.  I love watching dudes like this flop in front of everyone and really show the actual douchebag that they are.  This dude should have ran of stage and claimed he had to have emergency kidney transplant surgery that he had forgotten about.  He would have at least saved face. Check it out if you got twenty minutes to kill.

This is one of those videos that I post that I know that absolutely not one person will watch.  But I sat through it for twenty minutes and I thought it was pretty cool. For those of you wondering where Hydrick is now?  Well he's doing great.  James Hydrick was eventually convicted as a sex offender (forced oral copulation), and was incarcerated in a California prison. Currently, he is at a California State Mental Hospital undergoing "treatment" as a Sexually Violent Predator.  So he's got that going for him.

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