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Trending: Sarah Shahi might be the hottest girl ever- no kidding


Melita Toniolo

I'm going back to the mother-land on this one. No not Queens, New York. Italy. Between the fresh gabagool and Melita Toniolo, we might not be coming back this time folks.

Leave the gun, take the Ganoli's Pics after the jump

Now it's been eons since I spoke Italian and even when I did it was not the best. But, now that I'm here in Italy I can kick myself in the jewels for not sticking with it. Well, to be honest, I'm not in Italy and the refresher course on the Italian language really would help me more translating her biography on her site. Then again, do you care? I like to translate her likes as, "Short guys with curly hair and pale skin". Enjoy.

That's What She Said,

Mike Love

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