Karate casting call
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It's a Thursday night...and what do we do on Thursday nights?...Watch The Jersey Shore of course! I'm normal like the rest of you. So I'm watching Ronnie tussle with a strapping young lad who's obviously from Jersey when it hits me...how can I be that tough? I should learn karate...but how? My neighbor doesn't look like Mr. Miagi. Karate schools too expensive. Hmmm. I got it...YOUTUBE. Where else can you learn something in a matter of minutes for zero dollars? So I get to tubing (as we now call it) when I come across this comedic gem.
So I check my sources (fellas from work). It seems this video is a casting tape from extra's in an unknown karate flick. I don't believe it was meant to be this funny. I don't believe it could have been this funny if they tried. But I do know this...after watching it...I'm convinced I could kick 99% of the populations ass...so enjoy...You're Welcome and I'm out...
The Nudge Staff
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