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New iPhone App Let's You Kill Old People DeathRace 2000 Style

This video shows the latest iPhone app which allows you to drive your car from using the controls of your iPhone.  The techs must have thought this was the coolest thing when they were working on it in the lab.

But am I the only one out there that sees that this app can have some serious, serious danger attached to it.  Imagine you and a couple of your friends hanging out, drunk out of your minds.  It might seem like a pretty good idea at the time to break out you iPhone and see if you can top 100mph on the freeway all from the comfort of your living room.

And if a couple of old people don't get out of your way, just blame it on the dead wi-fi spot.

The next iPhone app to come out: A program that helps you control killer robots.  Those guys are cool.

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