Miss Cougar USA?
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The lucky lady with the big boobs in the purple dress (Gloria Navarro) hugging the redhead grandma. She's do-able...but the best they've got? California...you've let San Francisco get the best of you. All of the above are actual contestents....shit...the ONLY contestants that they deemed google worthy. Yes...even the Zebra killer in the glasses....she got a vote. There was 60 in total.
In order to be a contestant you had to be 42 years old and above, single, and obviously look like shit. Makes sense since this event was held at a horse track. Not kidding. About 100 or so "cubs" (men in their 20's-early 40's) were the judges. After the event...you guessed it...the Cougar Ball...again...not kidding. This must have been like an Irish pub at 4 am. A bunch of drunk, sloppy old-en's praying for some young penis hoping it's their fountain of youth. All I can say is that I'm disappointed. Google MILF and you'll find a million hot old ladies. Hopefully next year they'll do it right and my article on that won't be soo much of a bitch-fest. I'm sorry this time and I'm out....
Basement Addix
The Nudge Staff
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Miss Cougar USA?
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