Jenna Haze Getting Wet
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Jenna Haze took a dip in the ocean at Maui yesterday and proved my theory that sometimes wearing a little clothes can be hotter than sports paraphernalia protruding out of various parts of one's body.
Now I know I'm gonna taking a verbal bashing for this, but Jenna really does NOTHING for me. Honestly, she just doesn't. However, although I still stand by my opinion I might have to go back and reconfigure my theory. Why you might ask? Something about "barely nude" that is just better than completely nude.
There is a couple of things that I noticed in this picture that I'm sure fellow creeps did as well. First off, this bikini looks like it is wayyyyy to big for her. Probably cause she is, again, not used to wearing clothes.
Secondly, seems like the bushes weren't trimmed prior to this trip. Don't know why, but again I find it sexy. Sure me and my grandfather might be the only one's that feel that way, but whatevz, that is an entirely different debate altogether and for another time.
Thirdly/lastly, I know you just wanna get to the pics, a regular girl coming out the water might be cute, but you think nothing of it. The fact that you know Jenna is a porn star makes me look at each pic like she's practicing for the "climax" to one of her scenes. No? Ahh look for yourself.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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