LaGarrette Blount Punches Out A Boise Player- Watch The Video
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If you were one of the lucky few who stayed up late last night to see the end of the Boise St.- Oregon football contest, boy you were not disappointed. Following the game as both teams took the field to exchange pleasantries and a firm "Atta-A-Boy's", an un-helmeted Boise lineman, Byron Hout, patted Blount on the shoulder and offered him congratulations on a job well done.
Blount then seized the moment to show the world his greatest impersonation in his repertoire, that of one Iron Mike Tyson. Blount threw a devastating right hook connecting with fierce force, knocking Hout to the ground.
Blount wasn't done with his impersonations yet. As one of his fellow Duck-mates came over to tell Blount that he loved the act, Blount flew into his "I'm not an animal" push and shove made famous by Robert DeNiro in Scorsese's Raging Bull.
"Bravo" went the crowd at the Boise Stadium. "Encore, Encore" was heard throughout the stands. Many of the Boise faithful lept to their feet, and, just like when Luciano Pavoratti tried to leave his famous open air concert in Athens in 86, the masses attempted to block the exits.
"We want more Sir", "You're the next Rich Little" said the spud farmers.
But alas, LaGarrette had expended all of his energies, and was content to leave the crowd wanting more. But was he really?
Lagarrette could not hear the accolades being said to him from one of his new found fans near the field exit, and attempted to get a little closer to listen over the din. "You like me, you really, really like me" Blount screamed, doing his best Sally Field circa 1978.
"Maybe you too Sir, would like to see my Mike Tyson up close and personal also." Blount was overheard saying. "I shall show you my impersonation of Mike's left hook, the one from the Spinks fight."
But unscrupulous security guards would not allow this command performance to occur. They felt at the time, and said in a statement afterwards, that those Boise spectators had already received their monies worth.
"Smurf Turf, A football Contest and four impersonations from an All-Pac Ten player, now that's well worth the eighteen dollar price of admission" said Chuck "Chuckie" Douglass (who played the role of black shirted security guard number six, the one with the headlock grip).
Those of you who woke up this morning and found yourselves fans of the next Frank Caliendo, but fear that you might not get the opportunity to ever see him in person, fear not. Blount will soon find himself with an awful lot of time on his hands and I'm sure he'll be setting up a club date in a city near you.
Just don't ask him to do Pacino's Tony Montana, he might really use real bullets.
See ya sports fans, your pal Nudgie

The Nudge Staff
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