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Louise Glover- To Get You Over The Hump

Louise Glover

The coolest thing about Louise Glover, no, not that she was a Playboy playmate or that she had her breasts enlarged to 34D with the money her family gave her as a Christmas present, or that she had further surgery to enlarge them to 34FF. No, the greatest thing about this British export is that she was arrested and convicted of fraudulently taking money from the government on welfare while working as a model. And it gets even better. While she was performing community service as part of her sentence, she was attacked, hot girl prison movie style, and had her nose broken. I'm hoping they were all in their underwear when it happened. I'm a filthy pervert.

How's that to get you over the hump!

Louise GloverLouise Glover

Louise Glover
Louise GloverLouise Glover

Louise GloverLouise Glover

Louise Glover

Louise GloverLouise Glover

Louise GloverLouise Glover

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