Do Mermaids Exist?
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Posted by C-Nut
A town in Israel has had so many reported sightings of mermaids in the area recently, that they are offering up 1 Million US Dollars to anyone that can prove that they exist.
Numerous Mermaid Sightings Spark Mermaid Fever
Dozens of mermaid sightings in the past few months have been flooding city official offices in the Kiryat Yam municipality, near Haifa, Israel, Sky News reports, and they are willing to pay for proof.
The Kiryat Yam town council is offering $1 million to anyone who can prove the mermaid exists, the story said, drawing crowds of people with cameras to the shore every evening at sunset. "People say it is half girl, half fish, jumping like a dolphin. It does all kinds of tricks then disappears," Council
spokesman Natti Zilberman told Sky News
Which led our own staff here at "The Nudge" to do a little research on the topic, seeing is how our bookie, "Mr. Rocco", is patiently waiting for the money we owe from our misguided belief that the New York Metropolitans are so close to turning it all around. Well, Mr. Rocco, just hold out a couple more days cause I think that Israeli cash will be flowing our way soon.
Apparently, this thing, that's on the top, washed ashore after the Tsunami in Thailand several years back. And according to mermaids.net:
In 2005, a story of a “real mermaid” which was allegedly found in Chennai following the Indian Ocean Tsunami in December 2004 circulated in the internet.The story was backed up with pictures of the Legendary creature with mermaids tail which inevitably made people ask “do mermaids really exist?”.
According to Source, the body of the “real mermaid” is at the Egmore museum guarded under tight security.
So you see, that money is already in our pocket. Give me some action on tonight's Yankee's game please!

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