Tessie Tarrentino's Twitter Pics
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SoCalGalmourGirls.com model Tessie Tarrentino has posted about 250 wonderful pics on her Twitter Pics account. And since this site is quickly and violently swerving into a website devoted to Bbtn Head Writer Mike Love's obsession with Katy Perry, I figured I'd try to throw something up on here that isn't Katy related.
A typical Bbtn staff meeting can usually be described this way. About three minutes of uncomfortable silence while all of us looking at each other waiting for Grandma Mike to eventually say, "Hey, did you see that new Katy Perry pic? I think we should post it." We all then look at each other in disbelief. But we can't say anything, the dude always carries a weapon, usually a pipe wrench, and he's crazy. Bat shit crazy.
To follow Tessie's Twit Pics- click here
And to see a NSFW video of Tessie in a wet t-shirt- click here
Boy I can't wait to see today's Katy Perry pic of the day, I wonder what she'll be wearing?
The Nudge Staff
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Tessie Tarrentino's Twitter Pics
The Nudge
Girls-1|self portrait|socalglamour|tessie tarrentino|