LSU Golden Girls- Come Get Some
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So I'm watching The Bayou Bengals stuff the tar into Bama this weekend and the camera keeps shooting over to the LSU Golden Girls....but not enough for me. So in my drunken stupor I decided it would be a good idea to do some research...(i.e. cyber stalking) of these lovely young females.
What I found out is that these girls aren't well liked by the other coeds at LSU. It seems, according to anonymous message board posters, that these girls are catty and stuck up. Well you know that you can never believe anything you read on the Interweb, Hell I'm writing this right now and lying through my teeth.
And since I grew up in the swamps of the Toledo Bend Reservoir, I figured that it's my duty to promote the heck out of these gifted cheerleaders. Each week, for the next three weeks, or until I sober up at least. Geaux Team, Geaux.
More after the jump

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LSU Golden Girls- Come Get Some
The Nudge
cheerleader|college football|lsu golden girls|