My Favorite Pussy...Cat
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I just want to apologise in advance. I truly do. How in the hell...in the bloody hell of a history of this site...had I missed the obvious? The obvious being Nicole Scherzinger. Yes...the lead singer of the Pussy Fart Dolls (is that right?).
Just to double check...I used the search engine above...and came up with a top 10...and a video. That's noT acceptable. She deserves at least one page dedicated to her. Forget her singing. I'm serious. Forget it. I would love to push her "buttons"...but otherwise...I could case less about her American Idol abilities.
This 32 year old Hawaiian is the only reason why I'd watch a Pussy Cat video. If you're a fan of the group...I'm sorry....but before you go bananas, shave your head and chase me with an umbrella (sorry Britney)...do me this one favor...name me one other Pussy Cat. Just one? You can't. I thought so. She needs to drop the baggage and go solo.
While we're waiting for a solo career...or even better...her career taking a nosedive and Hugh Hefner sending her a text...just enjoy the pictures.
You're Welcome and I'm out....
The Nudge Staff
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My Favorite Pussy...Cat
basement addix|basementaddix|girls|Girls-1|Is She Hot|Nicole Scherzinger|pussy cat dolls|