Scarface- The Elementary School Edition
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When I first started watching this video from screenjunkies.com I'm thinking to myself, all right, this is a put on, some dude trying to get on Youtube. But there's actually people, looks like parents, taking pictures and clapping at all the inappropriate moments, just the way it happens at these real shitty elementary school plays.
Bad Ass. I'm thinking for his next production, this fourth grade teacher is going to try his hand at doing a rendition of the 1970's classic DeepThroat....wait, that's so wrong on so many levels. Television is right, this Internet really corrupts a persons mind. I'm going batshit crazy from sniffing all this popcorn up my nose.
Enjoy the play.
EMBED-Scarface School Play - Watch more free videos
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Scarface- The Elementary School Edition
The Nudge