Tosh Cribs
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Sorry...in advance. I know he's been graced by the Nudge befoe. I just think this guy is fuckin hilarious. His name is Daniel Tosh. He has a very dry sense of humor...and his own show on comedy central called Tosh.0. In this little piece...he's doing an almost parody of MTV cribs...kind of. It's a play on rappers vs. middle class "normal people"....actually...thats too deep. He's making fun of rappers...period. There's not much else to say except watch this video. I guarentee you'll be youtubing tosh.0 shortly.
You're welcome and I'm out.

The Nudge Staff
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Tosh Cribs
basement addix|basementaddix|daniel tosh|tosh.0|Video|video of the day|videos|