Gene Simmons on Michael Jackson
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We all know what Gene Simmons is most popular for. No, not his smooth vocals on Great Expectations (MLove fav Kiss song), but few people know how outspoken he was about the King of Pop.
Gene pulls no punches when it comes to MJ, bashing him almost immediately after his death. Before Tito could even wipe off his crocodile tears Gene Simmons was quoted as saying
I want the kids who’ve accused him, to be blunt, of molestation, to have their say…I want to hear what they have to say. Not celebrities. Let’s celebrate the talent and everything later, let’s just figure out if there are any victims here.…it’s sad that [Jackson] had this sad life and I understand, that’s horrible — Michael’s not the only victim. I want to know what these boys have to sayWell he's on a rampage again. Now Gene "The Demon" Simmons says he has even more proof that MJ was a pedophile. Although he admits MJ was a pop legend earlier in his career Simmons claims to know a group that quit one particular tour with MJ because of little boys "coming out of hotel rooms". He even goes as far as to say:
I knew some of the musicians he toured with, and specifically one who quit because of seeing boys coming out of the hotel rooms. And then you factor in that his travel agent was put on the stand and in court said that she was authorised to fly to Brazil and bring boys back to America for him
Is Gene telling the truth and if so what band was this? I will say that he makes another good point about celebrity hook ups. If MJ was with women no matter how hush hush the secret someone would know about it, but no female's (especially celebs) claim to have slept with him. Strange considering he could have had any one in the 80's.
So is Gene telling the truth or looking for some attention in order for you to check a new product he's pushing. You be the judge.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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Gene Simmons on Michael Jackson
Mikey Love
celebrities|michael jackson|That's what she said|