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MLB Steroid Scandal-McGwire's A Punk

Posted by BBTN's newest and handsomest writer, Tommie Gunn.

I watched Mark McGuire on t.v. the other night in tears as he admitted his steroid use, he admitted using steroids while chasing the single season home run record 61 in 1998. This announcement came after being hired as the Cardinals batting coach.

Mark, I’m not mad at you, but you cheated, you and the other players who used performance enhancing drugs to smash records from 1998-2001 cheated.

MLB President Bud Selig , the acting Commissioner 1992-1998 and president 1998 to present who watched over the league probably wont agree, but MLB allowed the players to cheat to get baseball out of the slump, for that reason they are just as culpable as the players. Bud this is your mess and it’s time to clean it up.

The single season home run record is the one that really bothers me, all the other records will be broken again, but no one will ever hit more than 73 hrs in a single season without the juice, never, you probably won’t see 60 homers in one season for a long time.

As of the 2009 season five players have hit 60 or more home runs in a single season, a total of eight times, McGuire did it two times, Sosa did it three times, 60 plus back to back seasons’ 98-99, and then Bonds with 73 homers in 2001. McGuire, Sosa and Bonds accounted for six of the eight times since baseball has been around, accomplished on Steroids.

There is so much evidence that support’s the fact that MLB knew players were cheating. I can’t believe they didn’t know.
Bud Selig and MLB can start by erasing McGuire, Sosa and Bonds single season home run records and returning it to Roger Maris , 61 in 61.

Tommy Gunn

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