Jersey Shore- The Actual Snooki Punch That Was Never Shown
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First off, we here at Bbtn in no way shape or form advocate violence against women, as a matter of fact, we advocate violence by women against men, a lot. We're freaky like that.
The reason that I post this is 1) MTV at least had the decency, after using this footage of extreme violence to pull in more viewers, to at least not show it. They showed the preceding seconds, and the effects afterwards put "pulled the punch" so to speak. and 2) the newscasters on this show talk about how insulting The Jersey Shore is for broadcasting this punch as they themselves replay it over and over again in slow motion.
So, basically that's why I put it up on here. Because ever since Walter Kronkite used to call me an Asshole, I've always hated the media.
And you stink like eggs Kronkite, not me. I smell like roses.

The Nudge Staff
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Jersey Shore- The Actual Snooki Punch That Was Never Shown
The Nudge
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