Nicole Trunfio
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Check please. I believe we've found our Mecca folks. Where does she hail from you might ask? Nope, not heaven you cheese ball. Merredin, Australia.
There's many things I could be doing with an hour and a half of my time. Looking at my finances, learning how a new language, working overtime, but I decided to go with research Nicole Trunfio.
When I first typed Nicole Trunfio's web pageI was very excited to see, ya know her profile, what she's "really" all about. Then just when I thought she couldn't get any better, Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child (Slight Return), my favorite song of all time, ripped through my speakers as you enter her site.
This 23 year old, based on pictures alone, is no holds barred. This girl looks like she can have a real good time. She can also go from classy to trashy, or dirty (the kind men like), from one photo shoot to the next. Wigs, Nudity, pink poodles? No probz. Doesn't hurt that her bff for evaz is Jessica Gomes either. Without any further ado, I present to you Nicole Trunfio. Enjoy.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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