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It's A Global Day of Mourning- Jenn Sterger is Removing Her Implants

You might remember Nole Cowgirl Jenn Sterger from such legendary court cases as The People of The State of Florida vs. The Nudge and Jenn Sterger Order of Protection against The Nudge, number one, two, three and four.

And now there's this.  Apparently, according to Jenn's blog, she's making an adult decision to have her bodacious sweater kittens surgically removed:

Jenn had this to say:
You see, sometimes things happen in life that we don't expect. Not every situation goes as planned. And the events surrounding August 7th, 2009 have left me in a real state of discontent and worry.

In an effort to reinvent myself, in a cut throat industry that was becoming more and more competitive the deeper I swam, I made the decision to go against the grain and remove my implants.

For reasons I explain in the upcoming December 2009 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, it was a difficult, yet necessary decision. And true to form, life handed me several curve balls along the way.

 I made an adult choice to get rid of the very things that were perhaps the only reason I started out on this journey. I then decided to bare that decision, along with my confusion and my soul for the public to bare witness.

Will I catch flack? Of course. Will the haters attend my public tar and feathering? Without question. But will a select few readers actually take the time to get to know the real me, the girl behind the boobs, now that I've again shared my greatest secrets and fears in a most vulnerable state? Well, that's what I'm hoping for.

I for one will not take this news lying down....well, actually I guess I kinda have to seeing is how my legs will no longer work after receiving this shocking news. The truth however is that, although Jenn did gain her fame, attention and notoriety from wearing low cut tops and showing off her shirt vikings, truthfully the girl is insanely talented and doesn't need her implants anymore. She's just about the only watchable talent on television these days. So to you Jenn, The Nudge says Bravo. So Jenn, if your reading this, give me a call, I still have the rather large "I Heart Jenn" tattoo across my chest.

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