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Tiger Woods New "Release"

If anything, I know that this post will make Angry G laugh and honestly isn't that every one's core mission is in life? Today's Video of the Day is a hilarious article of Tiger Wood's new umm...approach.

If your just tuning in we are on the 18th hole at the Buick Open, the mood is realllll tense..Tiger Waits...Blasttt. Just, it's the blast that makes you say, "Hey Bill I'm gonna go take a leak real quick", as you sprint walk to the bathroom where you do a check to see if you sharted yourself.

Tiger and his caddy clearly hear the fart because they both start giggling like kids in 5th grade. Surprisingly I youtubed this and found that this isn't the first time an ass burp came from one of Tiger Woods. If I were Beano I'd be on the horn right now for that celeb endorsement. Can't get enough of this video. Enjoy.

That's What She Said,

Mike Love

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