Reon Kadena
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Today's Nudgette comes to you courtesy of my good friends in Osaka, Japan. Aside for the hours it took me to rifle through the phenomenal shots of Reon Kadena, it also took me forever to find out what name to call her. This girl has more alias' than a mob hit man, so BBTN decided we'd call her Reon "The Hammers" Kadena.
When doing the research on Reon "The Hammers" Kadena all I could find is that and I quote from FamousWhy.com is:
Even if she is not very tall, men consider she is very sexy and attractive and that she has a beautiful face. She rapidly gained many fans. Her bust is also appreciated.Really? Umm ya think? Nah her good natured personality and laid back personality is where she gets all her fan base from. Although most guys from the States do not know Kadena, my buddies over in Japan know her from many movies as well as a starring role in God's Left Hand, Devil's Right Hand a popular horror movie in Japan.
This 24 year old originally did nude shoots, but figured she'd be worth more if she just barely gave ya enough to tease the hell out of ya. So check out Reon "The Hammers" Kadena's pics you as I leave you with a quote from this lovely Japanese woman who surprising loves karoake. Who woulda thunk that. Enjoy.
"When I'm sad I try and become happy again, I think about happy things... beyond that, I go karaoke!"
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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Reon Kadena
Mikey Love
foreign fur|International hottie|international nudgette of the day|That's what she said|