James Brown, Prince, MJ: Video of the Day
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Talk about a powerhouse on stage. Especially when this video was originally filmed. 1983 these guys were at the height of their games. Well maybe two, but still. There's amazing things about this video, but the real one comes at the end. You have to see it.
Now those that know me, I mean really know me, know that I'm a music junkie. I love it and pretty much surround my life with it. From my Clapton is God frame in my house to my Debbie Gibson starter make up kit, I mean signed autograph. Immediately one can understand how much I dig this video, which let me tell you, took some searching to find.
Love them or hate them these three performers took the music industry by storm. Each one unique in their own way. Even though James Brown might be a little older in this video, you can see his effect on both Michael Jackson and Prince.
My biggest question before I indulge on the true hilarity of this video is how are all these guys just chilling in the audience. Where is this???? I mean I know they probably had security, but still.
NOW. I'd like to talk about the last couple of minutes in this video. James Brown yell's into the microphone is Prince in the crowd. Princeeee. Next thing you see is Prince on some buff dudes shoulders, which to me is f-ing hilarious. Then he gets on stage and if you've never seen Prince play guitar he's one of the best, EVER. People don't think so, he is ask anyone who plays.
Then it just gets weird. Prince goes into his usually clothes off, sexually driven dances, which drive the ladies crazy. THEN, he grabs a street light that is on the stage to start some fruity stripper move, but there's only one problem. It's a prop. Prince's 95 lb tushy goes sailing into the crowd. LOL at it's finest. I lose it every time. Enjoy.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

The Nudge Staff
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