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Trending: Sarah Shahi might be the hottest girl ever- no kidding


I'm in HEAT

I'm going to be honest and tell you that I know absolutely NOTHING about this girl. I don't know where she's from, her age, or her background. Until about a week ago, she did not exist in my mind. Then came Sportscenter. Damn you ESPN. I was at work, minding my own mess, doing "work" type things, with the TV on in the background. Not paying much attention. Then, I hear something to the affect of "Hottest Miami Heat Dancer Contest".

Being a guy, and not dead, this grabbed my attention. I look up at the LCD and there she was; Odaymis Romero. She was just announced the winner of the Miami Heat's Hottest Dancer Contest ( I guess it was a slow sports day). My mouth dropped. I IMMEDIATELY grabbed a pen and post it, jotted down her strange name, turned on my Laptop, and started googling.

The results....nothing. Other then facebook, and some stupid Miami Heat Dancers website, this girls a ghost. Until now. This girl NEEDS the exposure (as do I...needing her exposure that is). The Nudge is the BEST place to start. I need more pictures of this girl. Ones of her OFF of a basketball court. If anyone finds extra pictures, be my guest and add them on.

Until then...I'm out and you're welcome....

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