Holly Valance
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I must say I've been doing this a long time and by doing this a long time I mean being the creepy guy who knows the name's of all the hot chicks you see on TV, Magazine's, etc before any one else. Let me tell you, after seeing the pics of this Australian hottie, Holly Valance is a name you, me, your awkward roommate will surely never forget
Before I get into that I'd like to give you a quick scene set up. Your in your kid's or maybe your neighbor's kids pool (without permission) and as you start to fade from your overindulgent alcohol consumption you see what you think could be a mirage. Then you realize your still conscious and that mirage is Holly Valance hosing herself down for her new lay out in Arena Magazine (UK's Maxim).
Ok so maybe the scenario in the previous paragraph isn't real, but hey that's how I imagined it. Except my scenario ended with me saying, "Hey you need help with that hose", umm ahh wait maybe more like, "Ya, so this hose will cool you off". Ehh I got nothing.
But who is Holly Valance you ask? Ok, you probably don't ask, but I'll tell you. Holy is a successful model, actress, singer dates a soccer player.. blah blah ahh who cares, aren't they all. Enjoy the pics.
*Holly did what was thought to be a nude video for a song she came out with,but turned out to be a flesh colored bathing suit. Video of the day to be brought to you soon.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love

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