Vanity Fair Pirelli Calendar
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I have a question. Is it too late to enroll in the Fall 09' Intro to Photography classes at my local CUNY College? What a job this guy has. Let's see hmmm... I need a secluded location with beautiful scenery that most people will never be able to go in their life's. Ooo ya and I need 15 to 20 of the world's most smoking girls. How hard can Photography be? Learn a few quick lessons on shutters and apertures. No sweat and let's be honest do you really wanna get these pictures in the first shot. I'd be going through rolls of film like no one's business. "Ooo Miranda we are gonna have to shoot this again and at night and at my bungaloo and with this swing set that I had UPS ship here over night. It's cool right?" These guys working on this photo shoot have to have been single. How do you explain this to the wife? "Ya hun I'm going away, no biggie, have you heard of Eniko Mihalik? No? Not to worry he's a big shot cricket player overseas. Just gonna shoot him and a couple of his buddies with animals...sooooo boring. Wish I was with you instead". Well enjoy these pics and see you at CUNY school in 09'.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love
The Nudge Staff
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