Somewhere, There's A Lucky Seaman
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Somewhere out there, there's a lucky Seaman who gets to call this hot girl his "port of call." In honor of all the service men out there who's hot girlfriends send them pictures...and then they in turn take those pictures and post them onto websites for all idiots to enjoy and re-post on their stupid website so that even more idiots can enjoy and maybe tell a friend or two to Google it and check out the Seaman's honey so that at literally one moment there can be almost several thousand, combined idiots all looking at the same smoking hot girl who probably took these pictures to cheer up her man overseas and never in a million years ever thought that absolutely anyone else would ever get the chance to see them, We say: We Salute You Sir. And please keep doing what you're doing. And by that we mean, the re-posting of hot girl pictures. You are a true American.
The Nudge Staff
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