George Clooney Pooney
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Elisabetta Canalis
I'd like file this post under: Some life this guy has. Elisabetta Canalis is George Pooney, I mean George Clooney's latest ass adventure.
It's funny you rarely hear people saying this, especially guys, but I think it's pretty accurate when people say George Clooney could do better. Not that I think he's a dashing fellow or have a older man crush on him, cause I don't ok, but this guy can scoop up something soooooo much more hotter and more importantly younger.
I know she's an Italian super model and all but there's just something about her. Egotastic says she has a Steven Tyler face and while I don't agree I can see what they are trying to get at. Anddddd those tattoo's awful.
On the brighter side she's sucking on that ice in a way I'm not mad at and she does seem quite limber. All and all if your Clooney might as well right? Does really hurt when you come to think of it. Ya you know what good for him. Disregard everything I said she's a babe.
That's What She Said,
Mike Love
The Nudge Staff
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