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Nudge Salutes- The Cooch Smooch(tm)

Hot girls kissing

Posted by the teamwork of Angry-G and Little Nudgie.

There's no explaining the most incredible phenomena of what happens when two hot girls are standing next to each other and someone breaks out a camera. We've termed this happening as being "The Cooch Smooch."(tm) But don't try to use that term cause me and Angry-G spent the last five hours with our lawyers getting it trademarked. Imagine trying to explain to three suits that you want to trademark a two word phrase that explains two or more hot chicks giving each other the tongue action. A long day. So enjoy the post and this makes two days in a row for Angry-G, and that in itself is a phenomenon we call "laziness interuptus."

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Hot girls kissingHot girls kissing
Hot girls kissing
Hot girls kissingHot girls kissing
Hot girls kissingHot girls kissingHot girls kissing
Hot girls kissing
Hot girls kissingHot girls kissing

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