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Trending: Sarah Shahi might be the hottest girl ever- no kidding


Holy Cock Smoker Batman!!!

I remember...back in the 90's, when a certain friend had a classic "hotbox", and we'd sit around on a Friday night, watch dirty movies, and play basketball on a nerf door hoop. I usually lost. But in a way...I'm still a winner. This is because now I have fond memories of all the best porn parodies cable had to offer. Forrest Hump. Edward Penishands. Star Whores. Pulp Friction....all classics. seems now Vivid is bringing this dying art back to the forefront. I bring you... BATMAN XXX.

This time around they necessarily aren't going on the cheap either. This movie seems to have a bigger budget then most porn...and I'm hella sure it has a bigger budget then the original campy BATMAN movie.

I know I'm excited.

You're Welcome and I'm out...

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